In heavenly armor we'll enter the land
The battle belongs to the Lord
No weapon that's fashioned against us shall stand
The battle belongs to the Lord
We sing glory and honor
Power and strength to the Lord
The power of darkness comes in like a flood
The battle belongs to the Lord
He's raised up a standard, the power of His blood
The battle belongs to the Lord
When your enemy presses in hard do not fear
The battle belongs to the Lord
Take courage my friend, your redemption is near
The battle belongs to the Lord
(Jamie Owens-Collins)
Yes, the battle belongs to the Lord, but if you read the first stanza "In heavenly armor we'll enter the land." Before we enter "the land" we must be clothed in Christ and in His "heavenly armor." Without your armor you will not be protected and be vulnerable to attacks from the enemy.
I have had my share of injuries and been fodder for the devil. The poem I wrote "Ready for Battle" was based on my experience of being attacked by the enemy. In a vision, I was battling the serpent and all I had was the sword. The serpent just kept getting bigger and bigger and I was standing there unprotected holding him off with my sword knowing my defeat was eminent, then I called!
I saw Jesus coming down from heaven sitting on His throne and dressed in royal garb. He took his sword and anointed me with armor and said now go and's time for battle. I immediately turned and was able to slice the serpent into pieces. I learned without God's armor on "the serpent" is going to have you for lunch.
It would be nice if Jesus would come down and tap us all and poof we had armor. I know some people will repeatedly quote Ephesians 6:13, but it's not the words, it's the actions. God gave me that vision so I would understand without the "full" armor of God the serpent is going to have you for lunch. Since then I have been studying to understand the weapons of our warfare. As we continue in Ephesians we will learn more about our heavenly armor.