Changing Seasons

It seems many people are going through a very difficult season these days. Whether from financial difficulties, stressed relationships, or poor health the sources are endless; the need for a change of season epidemic.
Too many are suffering in a winter of discontent. Do we just endure the long winter or can we change the season. Daniel 2:21 says God can "change times and seasons." If you don't like the season you are in... change it.

So, how do we change the season? If I can take liberty with Shakespeare..."Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of [God]. Through Christ our winter is made a glorious summer. The presence of the Lord will bring us times of refreshing in the midst of our drought.

"Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord," (Acts 3:19)

To change our season we need to repent and be converted so that our sins may be blotted out that a new season "may "[is allowed] come. To repent means "to change one's mind" (Webster.)
If we change our mind...the Lord will change your season. He will change the winter of our discontent into glorious summer. When we change our mind...our thinking... we don't change the winter...we change the discontent!

We still have financial difficulties, stressed relationships, or poor health, but through Christ we can change our mourning into dancing. Through Christ we can choose to be joyful and content in the Lord. For…the joy of the Lord is my strength. We can change our discontent, our whining, and complaining into rejoicing.

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" (Philippians 4:4)

You are to rejoice always, because joy is the easiest fruit to lose. You can't live off of the joy you had yesterday. Joy can give you strength only when you possess it. Yet you need to rejoice always because if you don't then you lose the strength to fight when facing trials.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." (James 1:2)

Why is it pure joy whenever we face trials? Because joy gives you strength to fight in the midst of your trials. So by rejoicing, you have victory over your trials. When you change your thinking from despair to can change your season.

Are you facing a challenge or difficulty that seems overwhelming? When you stand strong and remain faithful to God, He promises to set your course for victory! And victory doesn’t necessarily mean everything is going to go our way all the time or work out the way we planned.

The Bible says that the real battle we face isn’t in our circumstances, it’s in our minds. The enemy is after your thoughts. He’s after your peace and joy. He knows that when you have peace, it’s a sign that you are connected to the Father. When you hold on to your peace and choose to be joyful, you are walking in victory, and it’s just a matter of time before your circumstances line up!

Remember, God knew every person who would wrong you, and He’s already laid out your vindication. God knew every disappointment, and He’s already laid out new opportunities. God knew everything that would be stolen, and He has already laid out your restoration. Rejoice today knowing that He has set your course for victory in every area of your life!

"He holds victory in store for the upright, He is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, for He guards the course of the just and protects the way of His faithful ones" (Proverbs 2:7-8)

Heavenly Father, thank You for the victory You have in store for me. I choose to be faithful; I choose to walk humbly before You. I stand in faith knowing You are working all things together for my good because You love me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

Are You Green With Envy?

On this Saint Patrick's Day instead of asking if you are wearing your green... the question should be... Are you "green" with envy?

Do you begrudge another’s good fortune because you feel the good fortune should have been yours? Does it make you uncomfortable when someone has more acclaim, prestige, or possessions than you? Do you ever speak with contempt, or unkindness, or severity about someone with more than you? Do you have any tinge of satisfaction when someone who has more than you is "brought down?" Do you carry old grudges?

Envy/covetousness is one of the deadly sins to which no one readily confesses and yet it is rare to find anyone completely free of its grasp. "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." Exodus 20:17

Envy will always destroy relationships. Often it is a relative who seems to be the most envious and this person can drive families apart. Envious people often tear down another’s accomplishments by belittling or sometimes subtly uttering well-aimed negative comments. Have you ever gone to a person to share good news? The look of ambivalence you received lets you know you hit an “envy nerve.”

Envy is counting another's blessings instead of your own. If you are honest with yourself, everyone would have to admit they have experienced envy at some point in their life. It's the battle with our flesh that wants to say "what about me." However, if you simply are unable to bear the good fortune of others then "the green-eyed monster" has captured your heart.

What spirit do you now find as you search your heart? Individuals attempting to deal with problems of jealousy and envy should strive for critical and realistic evaluation of their own capabilities, both positive and negative. After making the evaluation, they should then give thanks for their strengths and recognize that it is usually impossible to possess everything in life that is valued.

"Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Galatians 5:24-26.

Lord Give Me The Strength

Lord give me the strength,
To keep loving.
Keep my heart open only to you.
Help me shower all your love,
Like the rain from above,
Not be squandered away without you.

Lord give me the strength,
To keep caring.
Keep my mouth open only for you.
Help me spread only your word,
To those who haven't heard,
Not be carelessly spoken without you.

Lord give me the strength,
To be quiet.
Keep my ears open only to you.
Help me hear all of your word,
So I can share what I heard,
Not be loud and distracted without you.

Lord give me the strength,
To be humble.
Keep my eyes open only to you.
Help me to grow in your love,
Shining from heaven above,
Not be proud and self-centered without you.


"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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