Easter is a highly celebrated occasion all around the world. Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the secular trappings of bunnies, candies, and new dresses. Even traditional church attendance can be void of the very essence of what we are celebrating. Easter is the sacred celebration of Christ's resurrection from the dead. For the Christian, It is truly something to be happy about, it was the greatest expression of love in all of eternity. "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only son." Jesus Christ is God fitted into human flesh to demonstrate God's love for us.
When the soldiers taking Jesus' body down from the cross stabbed him with a spear point, "blood and water came out". That rush of fluids revealed what may have been the actual final cause of death for Jesus...a burst aorta. Jesus died of a broken heart. The breaking of Jesus' heart was what "finished" Jesus' sacrifice. On Easter morning the great surprise is that sacrifice was not the end of Jesus' mission. Out of Jesus' broken heart there emerged a new heart, a resurrected heart, an unbreakable, unstoppable heart. A heart overflowing with love beyond our understanding.
Jesus' life, ministry, torture and death were planned before the creation of the world in order to redeem the hearts of mankind and demonstrate God's love for us. God in the person of Jesus Christ identified so closely with every human being who had ever lived or who ever would live that all of our pains, sicknesses, failures, sorrows, lies, rebellions, transgressions, hatreds and murders...all the brokenness of humanity...became Jesus' while He hung upon that Roman cross outside of Jerusalem.
So when you think about resurrection from now on, don't just think about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as historical facts that make your Christian faith possible. Please believe that the same God that raised Christ from the dead has not only raised you up from the death of separation from God, but this same power gave you a new heart and will live in you for all eternity.